Learn about the markets that you can trade online with Demix Digital Markets, including forex, synthetic indices, stocks & indices, cryptocurrencies, basket indices, and commodities.
CFD trading allows you to trade on the price movement of an asset without buying or owning the underlying asset.Options trading allows for fixed payouts from correctly predicting market movements, without needing to buy an underlying asset. Multipliers allow you to trade on leverage while limiting downside risk to your investment. You can maximise your potential profit by several multiples of any market movement without risking more than your initial investment.
Frequently asked questions about our Trading Plarform.
Don't find the answer? Contact us here> Demix Digital Markets provides a variety of advanced tools for both trading and cloud cryptocurrency mining thereby guaranteeing maximum profitability for all your investments.
Your funds are a priority and we have put I several measure to ensure that all funds are insured and protected, we have also put anti-theft, anti-fraud and anti-money laundry systems in place to ensure the a safe trading & investment platform.
We offer a variety of deposit options. Please register to see all available methods.